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What children learn in maths lessons

We want children to think and behave like a mathematician. Children learn maths with a mastery approach, developing number skills, learning to communicate their mathematical thinking using models and explanations, applying their skills in problem-solving scenarios and acquiring precise mathematical vocabulary. 


Our approach to teaching maths

In the Early Years and Foundation Stage, whole class sessions allow children to gain a secure understanding of counting and number while continuous provision gives relevant and fun opportunities to develop wider mathematical knowledge. 

Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are taught in whole class groups using Maths No Problem and other carefully chosen resources to develop a deeper understanding of each stage of their learning journey in maths. 

Pupils are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where the focus is on all pupils working together on the same lesson content at the same time. This ensures they can all master concepts before moving to the next part of the curriculum sequence, allowing no pupil to be left behind.


Children’s achievements in maths

The children enjoy and value maths and know why they are developing skills as well as how they are improving. They are encouraged by the belief that by working hard at maths they can succeed. Children learn that developing and honing solid mathematical skills empowers them and presents them with greater career opportunities when they are older.