Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Ms Morton - Magnolia Class
Miss White - Wisteria Class:
Learning at Gordon Primary School is broad with a wide range of engaging experiences that reinforce key concepts in every subject. It is balanced so that children receive a full and rich curriculum containing all subjects, and implemented well so that children remember in the long term the information and skills they have been taught. We place priority on the children’s personal, social and emotional development because we know this is key to a successful school career and life in general. Our curriculum is designed to engage and meet the needs of all children and enables them to achieve success in all subjects.
Spring Term 2025 Learning
This term we will be working on the following topics:
Our focus texts this term will be The Landlady by Roald Dahl, Macbeth by William Shakespeare and Darwin’s Dragons by Lindsay Galvin. We will be writing balanced arguments, writing in the style of the author, summarising and using the text as evidence. We will be putting ourselves in the shoes of different characters from the text to understand characters’ behaviour and writing from the character’s perspective. We will continue to develop our writing in various ways by editing, peer assessing and improving using the Year 6 criteria. We will also continue to revisit and incorporate new grammar into our English lessons.
We will be using the Maths No Problem scheme to support our mathematical learning. This term we will be completing units on Algebra, Percentages, Ratio, Geometry and Position and Direction. We will be exploring how to calculate percentages of numbers and quantities and how to use percentages to compare amounts. We will be solving word problems involving ratio by constructing bar models to support understanding. We will learn some of the conventions of algebra in the context of patterns and real-life problems.
We will be studying Evolution and Inheritance this term. Through this topic, the children will be building on the Animals, including Humans and Living Things and their Habitats units studied previously. We will learn about variation and adaptation and the process of evolution. They will explore how both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace separately developed their theories of evolution. They will examine the scientific evidence from plants and animals that has been gathered to support the theory of evolution.
This term we will be focusing on our Local History topic. We will be using the Census to look at how the area of Eltham where the school is situated changed from a rural farming landscape to the suburban development we are all familiar with today.
We will be discussing global population distribution and growth; identifying which countries are densely and sparsely populated and describing why some environments are more appealing to live in than others.
This term we will be studying Still Life. The children will be creating a variety of still life pieces influenced by different artists, using a range of mediums and showcasing work in the form of a memory box.
In music this term Year 6 will perform for Young Voices at the O2 Arena. We will be learning about the Brazilian Samba and Indian music styles. We will create a class Samba band focusing on duration, tempo and timbre before using percussion and music technology for group compositions.
We will be creating websites for a chosen purpose by identifying what makes a good web page and using this information to design and evaluate our own websites using Google Sites. Our second unit introduces Year 6 to spreadsheets. The children will be supported in organising data into columns and rows to create their own data set. They will be taught the importance of formatting data to support calculations, while also being introduced to formulas and will begin to understand how they can be used to produce calculated data.
Design technology (DT)
The children will work on Digital World: Navigating the World. The children will be designing and programming a navigation tool to produce a multifunctional device for trekkers using CAD 3D modelling software. This will build upon the CAD 3D modelling completed in our Autumn Term computing unit.
Physical Education (PE)
We will be learning the skills involved in Dance, Dodgeball, Football and Netball.
This term we will be looking at the French words for different types of houses and their rooms. The children will develop and practise language learning strategies, develop reading, speaking and listening skills and respond to questions about houses.
Religious Education (RE)
We will be identifying the common features and significance of both religious and non-religious gatherings and making thoughtful connections between pilgrimage sites and the concept of spirituality.
Personal, Social, Health. Economic / Relationships & Sex Education (PSHE/RSE)
In Belonging to a Community, we will be valuing diversity and learning about discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes. We will be learning strategies to safely respond to and challenge discrimination and how to recognise stereotypes in different contexts and the influence they have on attitudes and understanding of different groups.
In Media literacy and Digital Resilience, we will be evaluating media sources; learning about the benefits of safe internet use e.g. learning, connecting and communicating; investigating how and why images online might be manipulated, altered, or faked. We will be talking about sharing things online, including rules and laws relating to this and how to recognise what is appropriate to share online how to report inappropriate online content or contact.
In Money and Work, we will be learning about the role that money plays in people’s lives, attitudes towards it and what influences decisions about money.
General Information
- Your child should read for at least 20 minutes every day. Across the week, this should be a combination of independent reading and reading to an adult. Please talk to your child about the book and check their understanding by asking questions about events and the characters’ actions. Please also explain new or unfamiliar vocabulary. Their bookbag should come into school every day.
- Your child will have PE on Monday and Wednesday.
- Your child needs to bring in a water bottle every day.
- The weather is often cold and wet at this time of year. It is important that your child brings a coat every day.
- We are a Healthy School. Please do not put sweets or chocolate bars in your child’s packed lunch. Please do not send in sweets or other treats when it is your child’s birthday. If you want to celebrate your child’s birthday with their classmates, you could buy the class a book, send in a healthy snack such as boxes of raisins or buy stationery such as a pencil, but due to the impact on the environment, we ask you not to send in plastic toys.
- If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office: 020 8850 5486 and leave a message detailing why your child is absent. If your child has had an upset stomach, they should return when they are better. Please try to book medical appointments outside the school day and note that family holidays will not be authorised.
- If you have any questions or wish to raise a concern, please contact the class teacher in the first instance: or
Diary Dates
Tuesday 28th January - Multi-Cultural Evening 5pm to 6:30pm
Wednesday 5th February - Young Voices Concert (o2 Arena)
Friday 7th February - NSPCC Number Day
Friday 7th February - Year 6 Workshop - Growth Mindset
Tuesday 11th February - Visit to Eltham Hill School to see Chicago (school version)
Tuesday 11th February - School Journey meeting - 6pm / Middle Hall
17th to 21st February - Half-term break
Thursday 27th February - NSPCC Workshop - Speak Out Stay Safe
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
3rd to 7th March - School Journey
6th to 11th March - Book Fair
Tuesday 11th March - Road Safety workshop
Monday 31st March - Open Evening 3:30pm-7:00pm
Wednesday 2nd April - Open Evening 3:30pm-6:00pm
Monday 7th to 21st April - Easter break
Tuesday 22nd April - Summer Term begins