Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Ms Deacon - Dahlia Class:
Mrs Olding - Osmanthus Class:
Learning at Gordon Primary School is broad with a wide range of engaging experiences that reinforce key concepts in every subject. It is balanced so that children receive a full and rich curriculum containing all subjects, and implemented well so that children remember in the long term the information and skills they have been taught. We place priority on the children’s personal, social and emotional development because we know this is key to a successful school career and life in general. Our curriculum is designed to engage and meet the needs of all children and enables them to achieve success in all subjects.
Spring Term 2025 Learning
This term we will be working on the following topics:
Our focus text will be The Last Wild by Piers Torday, and through this text we will write predictions, character analyses, diary entries, letters and news reports. We will also be using co-operative improvement to edit and improve our writing.
In our whole class guided reading sessions we will read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. We will focus on a different type of question in each session, including retrieval, vocabulary, inference and deduction. We will have a big focus on using evidence from the text to support our answers.
At the end of each day we will spend 10 minutes reading for pleasure. This will vary each day but will include quiet reading, sharing book reviews and teacher led reading.
We will be using the Maths No Problem scheme to support our mathematical learning. We will be learning how to make fractions, order and compare fractions and carry out calculations involving the addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions. We shall continue our work on place value to involve decimals, and we shall be adding and subtracting numbers, including decimals. We shall use percentages to compare quantities, relating percentages to fractions and decimals and calculating percentages. We will learn to recognise and name types of angles, measure angles and solve geometry problems involving angles. We shall continue our daily practice of fluency with multiplicative reasoning through Mastering Number activities.
We will be studying two science topics this term. In Life Cycles we will describe the reproduction process of various plants and animals and compare different lifecycles. This will be followed by Earth and Space where we will describe the movement of the Earth and moon in relation to the sun, explain the seasons and day and night and explore how our understanding of the solar system has changed throughout history.
Our topic this term is the Vikings. We will be explaining where the Vikings came from and why they invaded Britain, sequencing events according to their significance for groups of people, naming Viking trade routes, identifying the differences between Viking sagas and evaluating the impact of Viking achievements.
In our topic Where Does Our Energy Come From? we will be learning about renewable and non-renewable energy sources, where they come from and their impact on society, the economy and the environment.
Our topic is Every Picture Tells a Story! We will be looking at the meaning behind art including making ink symmetry prints inspired by Rorschach; tell a story using emojis, and we will work expressively outside.
Design Technology (DT)
Our topic is Mechanical Systems: Pop-up books We will be designing a pop-up book which uses a mixture of structures and mechanisms.
We will be looking at 'Storm' Interlude from Peter Grimes by Benjamin Britten and Pentatonic melodies from across the globe. We will be learning about key melodic features, then focusing on pitch, tempo and dynamics through small group composition tasks and Graphic Scores.
We will be looking at Creating media – Video Production where we will learn how to create short videos in groups. We will also be studying Flat-file databases in which we will use tools within a database to order and answer questions about data and create graphs and charts from data to help solve problems.
Physical Education (PE)
- Dance. We will perform different styles of dance fluently and clearly. We will also be developing and refining routines to showcase space, rhythm and expression.
- Games. We will continue to develop ball skills.
We will be learning key vocabulary and phrases through the following topics: Shopping in France and Space Exploration in French.
Religious Education (RE)
We will be thinking about: What happens when we die? In this topic we will be recognising that many people believe in a soul, understanding there are different Jewish ideas about death, considering how forgiveness can be part of someone’s beliefs about death, understanding that funerals can differ within and between worldviews, making links between Christian sacraments and beliefs about death and reflecting on the similarities and differences of beliefs held in different worldviews.
Personal, Social, Health, Economic / Relationships & Sex Education (PSHE/RSE)
- Belonging to a Community. We will be learning about how to protect the environment and have compassion towards others.
- Money and Work. We will be identifying job interests and aspirations; what influences career choices and questioning workplace stereotypes.
General Information
- Your child should read for at least 10 minutes every day. It is also important that an adult continues to read with your child. Please talk to your child about the book and check their understanding by asking questions about events and the characters’ actions. Please also explain new or unfamiliar vocabulary. Their reading book and reading record book should come into school every day. Children should be recording in their reading record at least three times a week and an adult should be writing once a week.
- Your child will have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday and should wear their PE kits to school on these days.
- The weather is often cold at this time of year and the children will go out to play if there is light rain. It is important that your child has a waterproof coat, gloves, hat and a scarf.
- We are a 'Healthy School'. Please do not put sweets or chocolate bars in your child’s packed lunch. Please do not send in sweets or other treats when it is your child’s birthday. If you want to celebrate your child’s birthday with their classmates, you could buy the class a book, send in a healthy snack such as boxes of raisins or buy stationery such as a pencil, but due to the impact on the environment, we ask you not to send in plastic toys.
- If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office: 020 8850 5486 and leave a message detailing why your child is absent. If your child has had an upset stomach, they should return when they are well. Please try to book medical appointments outside the school day and note that family holidays will not be authorised.
- If you have any questions or wish to raise a concern, please contact the class teacher in the first instance.
Diary Dates
Monday 20th January - Osmanthus Class visit to the Linnean Society
Wednesday 22nd January - Dahlia Class visit to the Linnean Society
Tuesday 28th January - 'Everyone Belongs' Evening 5pm to 6:30pm
Friday 7th February - NSPCC Number Day
17th to 21st February - Half-term break
Thursday 27th February - NSPCC Workshop - Speak Out Stay Safe
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
6th to 11th March - Book Fair
Tuesday 11th March - Road Safety workshop
Monday 31st March - Open Evening 3:30pm-7:00pm
Wednesday 2nd April - Open Evening 3:30pm-6:00pm
Monday 7th to 21st April - Easter break
Tuesday 22nd April - Summer Term begins